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Table of Contents






The following table contains a list of the RA -CA Releases. To read the details of a specific release, including release notes, click on the Release Title name to be re-directed to the specific page containing the release details.

Page properties report
firstcolumnRelease Title
headingsRelease Date, Release Type, Open Review Period, Published Content, Download Specification
cqllabel = "racareleases" and space = currentSpace()

General Release Information


The Proposed pan-Canadian Interoperable Reference Architecture is published to a public space within InfoScribe and is also available as a downloadable document. A link to the online published content and the downloadable documentation will be published with each release. 

Release information for each release is contained in the corresponding RA -CA Release page. Please refer to the RA -CA Releases table above for links to specific release content.

Release Cycle


The release cycle will include one release per fiscal year.


  • Draft for Public Comment: Content published for review and feedback.
  • Final: Final published version for implementation.

How to Provide Feedback


Specific comments and questions related to the Proposed pan-Canadian Reference Architecture should be made via the Infoway Infodesk: [email protected]


General comments and questions related to the Proposed pan-Canadian Reference Architecture can be submitted in the InfoCentral Patient Summary Working Group Forum.

Terms of Use


Use of the Interoperability Program content is bound by the Terms of Use as defined on InfoCentral.
