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Current Release Information

DateJuly 2018
InfoRMSPrescribeIT 2.0.9
AccessTerminology Gateway
Current Release2.0.69
Release NotesCurrent release notes

About the PrescribeIT™ Subsets

Canada Health Infoway is working with Health Canada, the provinces and territories, and industry stakeholders to create, operate and maintain a financially self-sustaining, multi-jurisdiction e-prescribing service, known as PrescribeIT™. This will be a single service that can be scaled for use across the country enabling prescribers to electronically transmit a prescription to a patient’s pharmacy of choice.

The pan-Canadian PrescribeIT™ subsets provide a standardized way for systems to capture, store, retrieve and transmit related health information. 

Version numbers for EMR vendor specification, PMS vendor specifications and FHIR specifications follow the versioning convention of using   X.Y.Z (e.g. 2.0.1) where X is incremented when there is a major release, Y is incremented when there is a minor release and Z is incremented when there is a patch.

A major release is defined as any change that is not backwards compatible, a minor release is defined as a change to add new functionality that results in a change to the messaging interface and a patch is defined as a change that does not result in a change to the messaging interface.

The PrescribeIT™ subset PrescriptionMedicinalProduct is based on the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set (CCDD). Monthly, when the new version of CCDD is published, a new version of PrescriptionMedicinalProduct will be generated and a new version of the IG Pack will be created. This will create a patch release of the PrescribeIT™ package. The new patch release will overwrite the previous version, so only one version will be available at a time. 

Monthly releases of PrescriptionMedicinalProduct will not generate release notes. When other subsets in the PrescribeIT™ package are modified and released in conjunction with PrescriptionMedicinalProduct, release notes will be created describing the changes that occurred.

Click here to review more general information about subset releases.