Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Maintenance changes were done on the following subsets in October 2017 as part of the development of LPR2. The change logs can be found on Terminology Gateway for each respective subset:

  • PrescribedQuantityUnit
  • PrescriptionDoseQuantityUnit
  • PrescriptionDrugForm
  • SharedServiceType

One new subset was added:

  • SharedIssueDetails

Known Issues with the July 2017 release of PrescribeIT PrescribeIT® subsets:

  • Infoway is managing 11 12 new reference terminologies (code systems) to support this release.  These terminologies are only published as part of their respective subset.
  • When the reference terminology is managed by Infoway, the risk of pre-adopting codes that have not been previously published is low and the subsets are published as an Initial release.
  • IndicationForUse subsetsubset should be considered a starter set because there was insufficient consensus on the content.
  • PrescriptionMedicinalProduct is missing content based on the scope. The content of this subset only contains commonly used medicinal products that are available for prescribing and dispensing in Canada. This content will expand to include all human medicinal products over time.

Subsets that contain pre-adopted codes:

  • PrescriptionCancelRejectReason
  • PrescriptionRenewalRejectReason
  • PrescriptionRenewalReviewReason
  • SharedPractitionerRole
  • PrescriptionMedicationCoverage

Subsets that use Infoway managed Terminologies (code systems):

  • CommunicationCategory
  • PrescriptionDosageLineRelationship
  • PrescriptionEMRTaskType
  • PrescriptionTaskType
  • PrescriptionType
  • SharedAuthorizationMechanism
  • SharedIssueDetails
  • SharedMessageEvents
  • SharedServicesStatus
  • SharedServicesType
  • SharedSpecificationVersion

New Infoway Reference Terminologies (code systems) found in one or more subsets:

  • AuthorizationMechanism
  • CanadianActReason
  • CanadianPractionerRole
  • CommunicationCategory
  • PrescriptionDosageLineRelationship
  • PrescriptionTaskType
  • PrescriptionType
  • SharedIssueDetails
  • SharedMessageEvents
  • SharedServicesStatus
  • SharedServicesType
  • SharedSpecificationVersion