Versions Compared


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The use cases outlined below are intended to provide additional context and frame the needs that the candidate standards must meet. The use cases here are summarized and excerpted from a discussion document of the HL7 v3 pan-Canadian Messaging Standards Implementation Guide (Volume 10 – Immunization).

The use cases identify different activities related to immunization events and access to an immunization record:

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UC-1 Determining Immunization Status

The purpose of this use case is to describe the activities involved in determining immunization status.

Trigger: A healthcare provider wishes to assess eligible, at-risk candidates’ immunization status.

  • A nurse healthcare provider wants to check the immunization profile of a group of clients, as some may have received their flu shot somewhere other than the Fairview at this particular clinic.
  • She The healthcare provider queries the Immunization Repositoryimmunization repository, specifying influenza vaccine for her candidates.
  • The Immunization Repository immunization repository responds with a list of the influenza immunizations associated with each of the candidates. Results were reviewed to determine who has not yet received the influenza vaccine.
  • She The healthcare provider compiles a list of immunization candidates and begins calling them to come in for this week’s flu shot clinic.


UC-2 Immunization Forecast

The purpose of this use case is to describe activities involved in retrieving a client’s immunization forecast from an immunization repository for an identified client.
Trigger: A healthcare provider wishes to obtain patient-specific immunization forecast information.
  • Nurse A healthcare provider calls John Smith to let him know about the flu clinic next week and to advise him to attend for his flu shot.
  • Nurse The healthcare provider notices that John turned 65 this year, and decides to query the repository to determine if there are any additional vaccines John is now eligible for and has not yet received.
  • The repository returns the recommended schedule for John, which includes pneumococcal vaccine.

UC-3 Record an Immunization Event

The purpose of this use case is to describe the activities involved in recording an immunization event.

Trigger: Immunization has been administered

  • Nurse A healthcare provider administers the influenza and pneumococcal vaccines to John Smith at the Fairview Medical flu shot a medical clinic.
  • She The healthcare provider records the two events in the Fairview Medical Clinic clinic's EMR System; she sends messages with the immunization event details, including the Vaccine Types vaccine types and the Reason reason for Immunization, immunization to the Immunization Repositoryimmunization repository.

UC-4 Querying an Immunization Repository

The purpose of this use case is to describe the activities involved in retrieving immunization records from an immunization repository.

Trigger: Immunization information needs to be retrieved from an immunization repository.

  • Neville Nuclear has accepted a new job as a healthcare worker. His employer has asked for a copy of his hepatitis B vaccinations. Neville completed the entire 3 dose series six months ago at the public health travel clinic.
  • Nurse A healthcare provider queries the immunization repository and is presented with a list of immunization events that note Neville has received three hepatitis B administrations.
  • Nurse Nightingale The healthcare provider retrieves the details of each hepatitis B administration and prints an official vaccination report for Mr. Nuclear.

UC-5 Revising an Immunization Record

The purpose of this use case is to describe the activities involved in revising an immunization record.

Trigger: Nurse needs to add additional information on an immunization event to a record.

  • Nurse notices that she forgot to include the influenza vaccine lot number in John Smith’s record.
  • Nurse Nightingale adds the lot number to the record and sends the detail to the Immunization Repository to update the record.