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What is SMART on FHIR®?

It is a standardization of technology using open standards that allows Clinical Systems (eg: EMR) to integrate and run external applications that can interpret, render and visualize in-house data in a secure and standardized fashion; this approach supports enabling patients, doctors and healthcare providers to improve clinical care and overall public health by using innovative new solutions integrated in their current application framework.

Leveraging SMART, allows Clinical Systems and application vendors to be compatible and re-usable by reducing the cost and complexity of the integration between the app and the Clinical System. Clinical Systems can therefore add new capabilities and functionalities without having to adhere to rigorous change request processes.

Business case

Concept of an EMR

A Clinical System (e.g. EMR, HIS) acts a warehouse for large volumes of health data and is capable of interpreting and presenting this 

information. Beyond its primary design however, it may lack advanced information processing abilities or rendering the information in innovative, new ways.

Improvement to these systems would often require significant user-interface and various back-end changes to accommodate any new features.

Adding Specialty Capabilities 

Assuming that there was market innovation, what would be the approach to tap into those opportunities by reusing and extending existing systems?

Collaboration Paradigm

One way to extend capabilities is for Clinical System vendors to expose interfaces that app developers could conform to.

This would have to be realized through a trust relationship and a data model that the app vendor would need to understand.

Consider Scalability 

Scaleability Considerations

How would this particular model scale? Multiple Clinical System would have different interfaces and app makers would have

to write a logically similar app multiple times. You will also notice that apps are not easily substituted for one another using 

this approach.



more scaleable approach

How can we standardized this approach? There is already a need for a The universal concept of open APIs where a Trust Relationship/Security Model and a common

Data model that makes interoperability between the two entities more feasible. 

The SMART Standard

data model that scales very well.

This concept is not new. It has been attempted using SOA, classical programming so why are we talking about it again? Because there

is a game changer rising through the industry - FHIR - it already defined the API - it's REST, the language of the internet and it accommodates

security models readily. There is still too much variability. What promises to change that is SMART.

The SMART Approach

This is where the SMART standard specification comes into play. Substitutable Medical Applications and Reusable Technologies sets its sight on

standardizing on how to use trust/security and data (using FHIR) to meaningfully extend data sharing and processing in such a way that

web enabled applications can evolve by leaps and bounds using very minimal changes to their architecture.

SMART - Logical Architecture of Legacy Clinical Systems

The SMART open standard consists of 3 basic components that enable a Clinical System and SMART Application to interact with one another.

  1. The need for trust relationship - usually set up as part of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that establishes a trust relationship between the Clinical System and App Vendor
  2. A security model that is realized using the OAuth 2.0 specification
  3. A standard data model realized using FHIR and a  common profiled baseline baseline

When the concept of SMART was being ruminated by it's innovators, it was originally called SMART classic and it had it's own data model which was described using the Resource Description Framework.

As FHIR® FHIR was gaining in popularity and traction, the innovators decided to switch to the RDF for the FHIR data model.

Establishing a Trust Relationship

As part of the OAuth 2.0 specification, a new application must be registered win the service (Ex: Clinical System) that requires it's integration.

Registration includes basic information such as the application name, website, logo and in addition, a re-direct and launch URL. 

I In exchange for this, the service will provide the application with a "client_id" and "client_secret" which will help identify the authenticity of the the application during the registration process.

This "client_secret" must be kept confidential. In case the application (such as a single page javascript app, android app etc.) cannot keep this confidential, the "client_secret" must not be used

and a secret must not be issued to the application in the first place. For more information of the OAuth2.0 specification please visit -

SMART Application Profiles

SMART supports the idea of confidential and public app profiles. We have seen that as part of the OAuth 2.0 specification the application gets a "client_id" and "client_secret" after it registers with the Clinical System.

Confidential app ProfilePublic app Profile

Usually run on a trusted server that has some

business logic such as PHP, .NET, Java etc

Usually run on end-user mobile devices

such as androidAndroid, iOS, windows Windows etc

The "client_secret" that they have embedded

can be kept secure

The "client_secret" if embedded is prone

to being extracted.

For more information on the types of logical architectures supported by SMART, please see -

Logical Architecture - Legacy Clinical Systems

Some common components of legacy Clinical Systems include 

  1. An application server
  2. An authorization server
  3. A database

These components can be part of a single entity or they can be distributed across the network. 

In-order to be SMART compliant, the Clinical System will have to have a Trusted Agreement with the application vendor.

The Clinical System will need to server FHIR content and this can be achieved using a FHIR Server or a FHIR Facade that is able to server FHIR content. 

The authorization server will need to have the OAuth 2.0 sepcifcaiton implemented and lastly the Clinical System will need to embed an iframe to render the contents of the SMART Application

SMART compliant CapabilityStatement

In order for the FHIR endpoint to be SMART complimant, it must have the following extensions

authorizeyesuri indicating the authorization endpoint
tokenyesuri indicating the token endpoint
registeroptionaluri indicating the dynamic registration endpoint
manageoptionaluri indicating authorization amangement


For more information about the CapabilityStatement resource, please see -

Demo Implementation

For the demonstration, we simulate an existing Clinical System which is a web application hosted on a secured Tomcat server. A typical worflow would entail a medical practitioner such as a doctor loggging into the system which is handled by the

login servlet. The practitioner then lands on to a page with some patient context and this handled by the launch servlet. At this point the practitioner can launch the SMART app hosted in the SMART app gallery ( and this handled by the launch servlet.

The SMART app will then query the FHIR server which was built using the HAPI library to gain access to the health data. process the information and then render the contents in the iframe that was embedded in the clinical system.

User logins:

User is presented with Patient Context:

User wishes to view growth chart:

SMART app is launched and rendered in iframe within the current context: