Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set Editorial Guidelines

About the Editorial Guidelines

The Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set (CCDD) and its Editorial Guidelines have been designed and developed to reflect current clinical practice and safety advice.  This document provides the detailed Editorial Guidelines that are used to build and maintain the drug terminology content going forward.  It is expected this document will be a living document and that it will evolve based on user requirements and feedback.

The Editorial Guidelines will not be updated with each release.  They will be updated when there is significant change to the guidelines.


Particular thanks go to the members of the initial Advisory Group that supported the development of these Guidelines and the French Advisory Group that supported the development of French Descriptions; names and organizations are listed in Appendix A of the Editorial Guidelines themselves

Terms of Use

Copyright information for the Editorial Guidelines

The Editorial Guidelines for the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set are available for all users to read alongside the actual content of the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set.  They explain the model used in the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set and how decisions on the population of that model and on the authoring rules for the formal name descriptions. 

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