Subset in Scope (InfoRMS Link)

The following subsets were changed in Version 2.0.29

  1. PrescriptionMedicinalProduct
    1. Normal monthly update of CCDD.

The following subsets were changed in Version 3.0.12

  1. PrescriptionMedicinalProduct
    1. Normal monthly update of CCDD
  2. PrescriptionCancelReason
    1. Made code for ReplaceFix all caps

The following subsets were updated as part of adding the new Version 5.0.2

  1. PrescriptionMedicinalProduct
    1. Normal monthly update of CCDD
  2. SharedIssueDetails
    1. Various new error codes for new features
  3. SharedSpecificationVersion
    1. Added version values for 5.0
  4. PrescriptionRenewalRejectReason
    1. Updated codes and values based on clinical feedback.
  5. PrescriptionRenewalReviewReason
    1. Updated codes and values based on clinical feedback.

  6. PrescriptionDoseQuantityUnit
    1. Added 11 new values based on requests from vendors.  You can see what values have been added by using the change log tab in the terminology gateway once you are in the subset view for the subset.
  7. PrescriptionCancelReason
    1. Made code for ReplaceFix all caps
  8. PrescribedQuantityUnit
    1. Added 11 new values based on requests from vendors.  You can see what values have been added by using the change log tab in the terminology gateway once you are in the subset view for the subset.

The following subsets were added as part of adding the new Version 5.0.2

  1. x_TimeUnitsOfTime
    1. No change in values in the subset.  Instead, the same subset is now being hosted on Terminology Gateway so that the vendor does not have to refer to the HL7 website linked on the FHIR Specification.
  2. PrescriptionSplitReason
    1. This is a new subset that is used by Pharmacies to indicate the reason why they are splitting a prescription into up to 5 separate PMS prescriptions and dispenses.  It is used when sending both Dispense Notifications and Requests for Renewal.
  3. ActPharmacySupplyType
    1. No change in values in the subset.  Instead, the same subset is now being hosted on Terminology Gateway so that the vendor does not have to refer to the HL7 website linked on the FHIR Specification.
  4. AddressType
    1. No change in values in the subset.  Instead, the same subset is now being hosted on Terminology Gateway so that the vendor does not have to refer to the HL7 website linked on the FHIR Specification.
  5. DetectedIssueCategory
    1. No change in values in the subset.  Instead, the same subset is now being hosted on Terminology Gateway so that the vendor does not have to refer to the HL7 website linked on the FHIR Specification.
  6. DetectedIssueMitigationCategory
    1. No change in values in the subset.  Instead, the same subset is now being hosted on Terminology Gateway so that the vendor does not have to refer to the HL7 website linked on the FHIR Specification.