Table of Contents

What is the PS-CA?

The Patient Summary-CA is:

The PS-CA Interoperability Bundle includes four documents, providing the details of an implementable, testable Patient Summary-CA specification, based on the IHE International Patient Summary (IPS) specification. For more information, please visit the pan-Canadian Patient Summary (PS-CA) page.

How do I provide feedback on the PS-CA v0.1 specifications?

How do I provide feedback on the CA:FeX v0.1 specifications?

What is a Projectathon?

A Projectathon, one step of the complete testing process, is a best-practice collaborative approach where implementers test specifications and solutions using IHE Methodology and Tools to accelerate interoperability. For more information, please visit the PS-CA Prototyping and Validation page.

Will there be information webinars?

Yes, there will be informational webinars for the pan-Canadian Patient Summary Specifications and Proposed pan-Canadian Reference Architecture to provide additional guidance and opportunities for discussion. These webinars will be posted in InfoCentral Patient Summary Events calendar. When new events are added to the calendar, Infoway will create a post in the Patient Summary Working Group Forum to notify you. Please ensure you are subscribed to Notifications to receive updates via your email.