Subset in Scope (InfoRMS Link)

The following subsets were changed in Version 2.0.30

  1. PrescriptionMedicinalProduct
    1. Normal monthly update of CCDD.

The following subsets were changed in Version 3.0.13

  1. PrescriptionMedicinalProduct
    1. Normal monthly update of CCDD

The following subsets were updated as part of adding the new Version 5.0.4

  1. PrescriptionMedicinalProduct
    1. Normal monthly update of CCDD
  2. SharedPractitionerIdentifierType
    1. Added 3 new concepts for Quebec OIDs
    2. Updated 4 concepts for Quebec OIDs
    3. Deactivated 1 concept:  "Saskatchewan Pharmacy License Number Identifier"
  3.  SharedIssueDetails
    1. Added 12 new concepts for new features
  4. SharedPatientJurisdictionalHealthIdentifierType
    1. Updated 1 concept:  "Indian & Northern Affairs Canada Health Number"
  5. RxJurisdictionalIdentifierType
    1. Added 8 new concepts
    2. Deactivated one concept:  "Alberta Drug Information System Prescription Identifier"
  6. PrescriptionRenewalReviewReason
    1. Added 2 concepts and deactivated 2 concepts (this is actually an update to 2 concepts)
  7. PrescriptionRenewalRejectReason
    1. Added 6 concepts and deactivated 6 concepts