Interoperability enables information to flow seamlessly between different solutions and devices. When different parts of the health system are interoperable with each other, they can “speak the same language.” Interoperability improves continuity of care, collaboration between health providers and patient access to their health information. By breaking down data silos, it also reduces inefficiencies and redundancies within the health system.

Connection, collaboration and communication have never been more important for the health system. Increased use of virtual care has highlighted the need for safe and efficient electronic sharing of information across the circle of care. Continuing to improve Canadian health care will necessitate work in interoperability — connected systems are healthier systems.

In support of the provinces and territories, Infoway is facilitating a national collaborative effort to advance interoperability. While there are many interoperability-related challenges, the following two have been identified as priorities based on extensive consultations:

In support of provinces and territories, Infoway is ramping up efforts to facilitate and accelerate collaboration among stakeholders to develop implementable specifications to address these two interoperability challenges. Check back regularly for updates, announcements and ways to get involved.