Welcome to the Scope: Specifications information page!

This page contains a list of activities and timelines for the event. If you would like to print this page, you may do so using the Export to PDF feature available in the menu located in the top right corner of this page. Please note that this content may be updated periodically. 

On this page, you will find:

Projectathon Scope and Specifications

The specifications and profiles that will be available for testing at the Projectathon are listed in the table below.

Specification / Profile



pan-Canadian eReferral / eConsultCA:eReC v1.0.3 DFTPoint to Point integrations
pan-Canadian Patient Summary 

PS-CA V2.0.0 DFT-Ballot

pan-Canadian FHIR Exchange

CA:FeX v2.1.0 DFT-Ballot

Exchange pattern option for PS-CA

Mobile access to Health Documents

MHD v4.1.0

Exchange pattern option for PS-CA

Reference Architecture 

Including the following profiles:

RA v0.2.0 DFT-Ballot

The RA contains profiles that support interoperability testing of the specifications (e.g., PS-CA). 

CA:FeX API resource server

MHD API resource server

mTLS out of scope
(Canadian extension of ATNA)

Selected events
(Canadian extension of ATNA)

In support of PS-CA UC-05 (PMA)