Release Notes:  Version 20250115

About this release 

This release (version 20250115) provides the latest updates to the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set in English and French.  A separate InfoScribe location for the French supporting documents, including the French Release Notes, can be found here

There is no change to the Technical Specification or the Editorial Guidelines.

The Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set is available for browsing and download via the Infoway Terminology Gateway.  

Supporting general information can be found on Infoway Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set InfoCentral page

General Notes

The following files are available as full release files within this version:

  • Manufactured Product,
  • Non-proprietary Therapeutic Product,
  • Therapeutic Moiety,
  • Manufactured Product-Non-proprietary Therapeutic Product-Therapeutic Product Relationship, in English (MP-NTP-TM Relationship),
  • Manufactured Product-Non-proprietary Therapeutic Product-Therapeutic Product Relationship, in French (Relation PM-PTC-FT), 
  • Special Groupings, 
  • Coded Attribute, and
  • Device Non-proprietary Therapeutic Product.

The "Full" release contains one entry for every concept that has ever been released and new content added for that release. New content added for a specific release may at times include “Inactive” content.

NOTE:  The “Delta" release which is intended to contain only those concepts that have been added or changed since the previous release will be considered for a future enhancement at a later date.  

This release reflects additions and changes that have occurred in DPD since the last CCDD release.  

Deprecated Concepts

The following TMs, NTPs and MPs have been deprecated due to a change in DPD status to Restricted Access, which is out of scope for the CCDD. 

tm_code tm_formal_name ntp_code ntp_formal_name mp_code mp_formal_name
8002436 obiltoxaximab 9014762 obiltoxaximab 600 mg per 6 mL solution for injection vial02502895 ANTHIM (obiltoxaximab 600 mg per 6 mL solution for injection vial) ELUSYS THERAPEUTICS, INC.
8002384 sodium nitrite 9014603 sodium nitrite 300 mg per 10 mL solution for injection vial02440466 SODIUM NITRITE INJECTION, USP (sodium nitrite 300 mg per 10 mL solution for injection vial) HOPE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD
8002456 tecovirimat 9014814 tecovirimat 200 mg oral capsule 02522772 TPOXX (tecovirimat (tecovirimat monohydrate) 200 mg oral capsule) SIGA TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

Questions, Concerns, Changes

Questions and concerns and suggestions for future consideration are welcomed and should be sent by e-mail at [email protected]