General CDA Information

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CDA Background Material

The HL7 standards Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) has been a popular topic the last few years and there is a lot of information available online for those interested in finding out more about CDA or for those already in the process of implementing it. Although this list of resources is by no means exhaustive, they provide basic background information and a starting point for those who are interested in learning more about CDA.

For a basic overview of CDA check out Calvin Beebe's CDA Primer. For further information on IHE profiles and documents please check out the IHE wiki.

For a whitepaper on the creation of a software application to support the implementation of CDA R2 please look at the HL7 wiki.

If you are a member of HL7 or wish to have access to the HL7 CDA Implementation Guide, please take a look at the HL7 store.



CDA links and references is a point in time set of references:

List of CDA references