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SNOMED CT November 2024 Release (Current)
SNOMED CT Subsets in Scope for the November Release
The summary of the scope of the SNOMED CT subset release is here.
Changes to Note:
- 56 SNOMED CT subsets have been updated including VaccineAdministeredTradeNameCode, which includes a comprehensive set of vaccines
SNOMED CT August 2024 Release
SNOMED CT Subsets in Scope for the August Release
The summary of the scope of the SNOMED CT subset release is here.
Changes to Note:
- 56 SNOMED CT subsets have been updated including VaccineAdministeredTradeNameCode, which includes a comprehensive set of vaccines
SNOMED CT May 2024 Release
SNOMED CT Subsets in Scope for the May Release
The summary of the scope of the SNOMED CT subset release is here.
Changes to Note:
- 56 SNOMED CT subsets have been updated including VaccineAdministeredTradeNameCode, which includes a comprehensive set of COVID-19 vaccines
- 3 new subsets have been added to support the National Vaccine Catalogue (NVC): ImmunizationAdministrationAnatomicalSiteCode, ImmunizationReportingSourceCode ,and ImmunizationMarketAuthorizationHolderCode
- 1 new subset has been added to support PrescribeIT: IndicationForControlledSubstance
SNOMED CT February 2024 Release
SNOMED CT Subsets in Scope for the February Release
The summary of the scope of the SNOMED CT subset release is here.
Changes to Note:
- 52 SNOMED CT subsets have been updated including VaccineAdministeredTradeNameCode, which includes a comprehensive set of COVID-19 vaccines.
- 2 new subsets have been added to support the National Vaccine Catalogue: ImmunizationRouteOfAdministrationCode and ImmunizationPractitionerOccupationCode
- This release includes updates to SNOMED CT Subsets only. Please refer to the page “Previous Releases – March 2023” in Archived Releases for the most recent non-SNOMED CT subset content.