The Release 1 FHIR® Artefacts (Profiles, ValueSets, Extensions, etc.) of the PS-CA Specifications are presented in the PS-CA Simplifier FHIR Implementation Guide. 

As this is an evolving specification that is being updated as feedback is acquired from various engagement activities, the profiles use a versioning system to help implementers understand their development status prior to each release of the PS-CA Specifications.

The PS-CA Simplifier FHIR IG v1.0.0 TI Candidate acts as a snapshot in time of the profiling and conformance expectations of PS-CA Interoperability Specifications v1.0.0 TI Candidate. This will allow for evolution of profiles to prepare for future releases of the PS-CA, without undermining the stability of the v1.0.0 profiles. Instructions on how to access and use the v1.0.0 package will be provided.

Implementers are encouraged to begin by reviewing the PS-CA Library of Profiles page which describes the Patient Summary Composition Structure & Profiles (e.g., sections that make up the data model content for the PS-CA).

The list of summary sections within the Patient Summary-CA Composition and their respective profiles can be found below.  

Note: Some elements in the Header section reference profiles that do not have appropriate equivalents in the current IPS specification. Implementers are encouraged to utilize the minimal profiling expectations outlined National Canadian Baseline profiles in these cases.

Additional information on the PS-CA FHIR® Profiles can be found in the pan-Canadian Patient Summary – FHIR Implementation Guide

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