Scenario / Assumption(s): Patient Summary is stored Local (Decentralized) Document Repository (XDS style repository)

Release 1: Clinical data (e.g. medication, lab results, immunization) is retrieved from local sources only

Alternative Option:  This sequence diagram provides the option of using the XDS IHE profile to give jurisdictions and vendors option to leverage existing XDS-based implementations in the ecosystem.

Sequence Diagram Overview: 

Below provides guidance on how to read the sequence diagram:  

  • This sequence diagram illustrates how the different standardized actors of system should interact with each other to carry out specific standardized transactions, and the order in which the transactions and interactions occur when  Use Case 1 of the Patient Summary-CA is executed.
  • The legend on the bottom right corner describes the different system components, actors and transactions that are necessary to carry out  this particular use case. 
  • The green swim lane is a simplified view of the actors and transactions required by the Foundational IHE Profiles, in addition to the other ones that are not explicitly illustrated on the diagram (e.g. ATNA, CT) but included as a white note.  These are pre-requisite conditions for this particular use case and it is assumed that these will be satisfied. 
  • The blue swim lanes groups sequence of processes (along with their required actors and transactions) that are needed to occur to satisfy this particular use case.  These are to be read from left to right and top to bottom. 
  • The red note boxes describe important call outs, information and notes that provide more context for the sequence diagram. 
  • More information about those details of the Foundational IHE Profiles an be found here.

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