The FHIR® Artifacts (Profiles, ValueSets, Extensions, etc.) of the PS-CA Specifications are presented in the PS-CA Simplifier FHIR Implementation Guide. 

As this is an evolving specification that is being updated as feedback is acquired from various engagement activities, the profiles use a versioning system to help implementers understand their development status prior to each release of the PS-CA Specifications.

The PS-CA Simplifier FHIR IG acts as a snapshot in time of the profiling and conformance expectations of PS-CA Interoperability Specifications. This will allow for evolution of profiles to prepare for future releases of the PS-CA, without undermining the stability of the released profiles. Instructions on how to access and use the specification package will be provided.

The list of summary sections within the Patient Summary-CA Composition and their respective profiles can be found in the PS-CA Library of Profiles.  Implementers are encouraged to begin by reviewing the PS-CA Library of Profiles page which describes the Patient Summary Composition Structure & Profiles (e.g., sections that make up the data model content for the PS-CA).

Additional information on the PS-CA FHIR® Profiles can be found in the pan-Canadian Patient Summary – FHIR Implementation Guide

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