Release Notes:  Version 20200611

About this release 

This release (version 20200611) provides the latest updates to the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set in English and French and represents the Health Canada Drug Product Database changes from April and May 2020.  A separate InfoScribe location for the French supporting documents, including the French Release Notes, can be found here

There is no change to the Technical Specification or the Editorial Guidelines.

The Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set is available for browsing and download via the Infoway Terminology Gateway.  

Supporting general information can be found on Infoway Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set InfoCentral page

General Notes

The following files are available as full release files within this version:

  • Manufactured Product,
  • Non-proprietary Therapeutic Product,
  • Therapeutic Moiety,
  • Manufactured Product-Non-proprietary Therapeutic Product-Therapeutic Product Relationship, in English (MP-NTP-TM Relationship),
  • Manufactured Product-Non-proprietary Therapeutic Product-Therapeutic Product Relationship, in French (Relation PM-PTC-FT), 
  • Special Groupings, 
  • Coded Attribute, and
  • Device Non-proprietary Therapeutic Product.

The "Full" release contains one entry for every concept that has ever been released and new content added for that release. New content added for a specific release may at times include “Inactive” content.

NOTE:  The “Delta" release which is intended to contain only those concepts that have been added or changed since the previous release will be considered for a future enhancement at a later date.  

This release reflects additions and changes that have occurred in DPD since the last CCDD release.  

Device NTP

There are four new Device NTP concepts with this release.





600004valved holding chamber with infant maskchambre de retenue valvée avec masque pour nourrissonActive
600005valved holding chamber with child maskchambre de retenue valvée avec masque pour enfantActive
600006valved holding chamber with adult maskchambre de retenue valvée avec masque pour adulteActive
600007valved holding chamber with mouthpiecechambre de retenue valvée avec embout buccalActive


There are 3 new deprecated NTP concepts with this release. In the first concept, the ingredient name for the corresponding product changed in DPD. In the second concept, the dosage form for the corresponding product changed in DPD. In the third concept, the strength for the corresponding product was changed to presentation strength as per the Editorial Guidelines since the 50 mL presentation is a pharmacy bulk vial.


chloroquine diphosphate 250 mg oral tablet

diphosphate de chloroquine 250 mg comprimé oral


9014264chloroquine phosphate 250 mg oral tabletphosphate de chloroquine 250 mg comprimé oral


dextromethorphan hydrobromide 10 mg per 5 mL and guaifenesin 100 mg per 5 mL oral solution

bromhydrate de dextrométhorphane 10 mg par 5 mL et guaïfénésine 100 mg par 5 mL solution orale


9014268dextromethorphan hydrobromide 10 mg per 5 mL and guaifenesin 100 mg per 5 mL syrupbromhydrate de dextrométhorphane 10 mg par 5 mL et guaïfénésine 100 mg par 5 mL sirop
9000884fentanyl (fentanyl citrate) 2500 mcg per 50 mL solution for injection vialfentanyl (citrate de fentanyl) 2500 mcg par 50 mL solution injectable fioleDeprec9014297fentanyl (fentanyl citrate) 50 mcg per mL solution for injection 50 mL vialfentanyl (citrate de fentanyl) 50 mcg par mL solution injectable 50 mL fiole
Type of change
Replaced with ntp_codeReplaced with ntp_formal_nameReplaced with ntp_fr_description


Three MP formal name changes have occurred resulting from the deprecated NTPs.

00021261TEVA-CHLOROQUINE (chloroquine phosphate 250 mg oral tablet) TEVA CANADA LIMITEDTEVA-CHLOROQUINE (phosphate de chloroquine 250 mg comprimé oral) TEVA CANADA LIMITEDTEVA-CHLOROQUINE (chloroquine diphosphate 250 mg oral tablet) TEVA CANADA LIMITEDTEVA-CHLOROQUINE (diphosphate de chloroquine 250 mg comprimé oral) TEVA CANADA LIMITED
02248568ROBITUSSIN SUGAR FREE COUGH CONTROL (dextromethorphan hydrobromide 10 mg per 5 mL and guaifenesin 100 mg per 5 mL syrup) GLAXOSMITHKLINE CONSUMER HEALTHCARE INC.ROBITUSSIN SUGAR FREE COUGH CONTROL (bromhydrate de dextrométhorphane 10 mg par 5 mL et guaïfénésine 100 mg par 5 mL sirop) GLAXOSMITHKLINE CONSUMER HEALTHCARE INC.ROBITUSSIN SUGAR FREE COUGH CONTROL (dextromethorphan hydrobromide 10 mg per 5 mL and guaifenesin 100 mg per 5 mL oral solution) PFIZER CONSUMER HEALTHCARE A DIVISION OF PFIZER CANADA ULCROBITUSSIN SUGAR FREE COUGH CONTROL (bromhydrate de dextrométhorphane 10 mg par 5 mL et guaïfénésine 100 mg par 5 mL solution orale) PFIZER CONSUMER HEALTHCARE A DIVISION OF PFIZER CANADA ULC
77700451FENTANYL CITRATE INJECTION USP (fentanyl (fentanyl citrate) 50 mcg per mL solution for injection 50 mL vial) SANDOZ CANADA INCORPORATEDFENTANYL CITRATE INJECTION USP (fentanyl (citrate de fentanyl) 50 mcg par mL solution injectable 50 mL fiole) SANDOZ CANADA INCORPORATEDFENTANYL CITRATE INJECTION USP (fentanyl (fentanyl citrate) 2500 mcg per 50 mL solution for injection vial) SANDOZ CANADA INCORPORATEDFENTANYL CITRATE INJECTION USP (fentanyl (citrate de fentanyl) 2500 mcg par 50 mL solution injectable fiole) SANDOZ CANADA INCORPORATED
mp_code June Release
June Release
June Release
April Release
April Release

The Health Canada Interim Order to import AUVI-Q has expired and all stock in Canada should be depleted. The status for both AUVI-Q concepts is now Inactive. For more information on the original Interim Order please see





02480379AUVI-Q (epinephrine 0.3 mg per 0.3 mL solution for injection syringe) KALEO INCAUVI-Q (épinéphrine 0,3 mg par 0,3 mL solution injectable seringue) KALEO INCInactiveActive
02480360AUVI-Q (epinephrine 0.15 mg per 0.15 mL solution for injection syringe) KALEO INCAUVI-Q (épinéphrine 0,15 mg par 0,15 mL solution injectable seringue) KALEO INCInactiveActive

Questions, Concerns, Changes

Questions and concerns and suggestions for future consideration are welcomed and should be sent by e-mail at [email protected]

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