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Release Notes - MR 02.05 - Dec. 12, 2013

Go to downloadable artifacts

titleTools used in the development of this release
During a review of documentation, it has been determined that a couple points of clarification need to be made with regards to the tools used during the development of this release. These are:
  • The majority of the changes to the models were made with Visio 2002 in combination RMIM Designer 4.5.11
  • In order to overcome a known issue with the above-mentioned applications, Visio 2007 and RMIM Designer 4.7.8 was used for certain model changes. 

For any questions, please email the  Infodesk  or call 416-595-3417/1-877-595-3417 (toll-free).








Release Notes


Release Notes, Terminology Release Notes, a Change Log and a Terminology Change File



Purpose of the Release notes

These Release Notes provide a high level summary of the changes made to the pan-Canadian HL7 v3 artifacts in support of the MR 02.05 release. A detailed description of all of the changes can be found in the corresponding Change Log (SC-3004-EN - Change File - MR02.05 - 20131212). Separate Terminology Release Notes and a Terminology Change Log are also available for this release.

These Release Notes are intended to be used in conjunctions with the other business and technical artifacts published as part of this release.

Stakeholders are strongly encouraged to review the Release Notes prior to exploring the rest of the published artifacts.

Highlights of the Release

The MR 02.05 Release is a planned release to address enhancements and technical corrections identified by pan-Canadian Stakeholders, as well as to upgrade the standard to align with updated versions of terminology (e.g. SNOMED CT and LOINC). This release was developed from a baseline of MR 2009 R02.04.03.

This release also marks an important milestone in the evolution of the development environment employed for creating our future maintenance releases. The new paradigm reflects a strong Model Interchange Format (MIF) focus where the MIF is viewed as a self-documenting source of all truth, all other artifacts (e.g. graphical rendering of the MIF, html relationship models, “doc” rendering for business views, etc.) being viewed as derivatives created by the appropriate rendering plugins. This paradigm, while not fully realized yet, promises a more complete, agile, integrated ecosystem allowing public access to the same tools that generated the release and are unambiguously maintained by the Standards Collaborative.

Following this transition point, the Standards Collaborative will progressively move away from using the V3 Generator suite of tools to using Remixer as a development platform.

For the purposes of business continuity and quality control, the current release has been developed using both avenues, the V3Generator suite of tools as well as the Remixer suite of tools. The go forward strategy for the maintenance activities associated with the pan-Canadian HL7 v3 space is the use of Remixer and a reduction of released artifacts to only those serving as the source of truth, all other artifact generation being relegated to plugins. A decision on this final list of deliverables has not yet been made and is expected to be developed in consultation with the public in early 2014, following the two pan-Canadian releases (CeRx and MR series).

Following the above reasoning, messaging RFCs contained in this release were developed using both HL7 V3 tools and Remixer and the resulting Model Interchange Format (MIF) files were compared to ensure that they were equivalent. The MIF v2 files from both tools have been published with this release, and the Remixer MIFs have been identified as beta. We strongly encourage stakeholders to use the Remixer MIFs and to identify any issues encountered while using these MIFs to the Standards Collaborative.


Remixer is an HL7 V3 development tool created by Canada Health Infoway to both develop the pan-Canadian HL7 V3 messages and to allow Jurisdictions to constrain these messages to meet their needs. The Remixer tool currently produces Model Interchange Format files (MIF) in version 2.1.3, and allows for the generation of APIs. A new feature is also being added to Remixer to allow both pan-Canadian standards and Jurisdictional standards to be rendered in HTML format. At the time of the writing of these release notes the HTML rendered standards have been published as an beta release to gather feedback from Stakeholders on their usability and layout.

The Remixer tool does add some enhanced functionality, for example:

There are binding strength (CNE or CWE) discrepancies between models generated by the HL7 V3 tooling and terminology documentations that is a known issue in previous releases. • Where the models reference a concept domain, the source of truth resides in the Terminology Worksheet • Where the model reference a value set, the source of truth resides in the specific model attribute.

Artifacts generated by Remixer are correct in this respect.

The Remixer MIF v2 has been developed to be equivalent to the MIF v2 produced by the HL7 v3 Generator, however there are some known accepted differences between the MIFS generated by the two tools as identified below:

Remixer MIF v2Rationale
Graphic representation graphic links have been removed 

The decision to remove the links was reached in consultation with field experts. The Remixer based graphical rendering of the MIF is replacing the Visio view using HTML5 browser technology. This rendering technology (SVG) allows for lossless zoom capabilities providing for a better user experience while also allowing for the navigation of the model.

The application attribute in the renderingInformation: is change to ‘Message Re-Mixer to MIF Exporter’ from ‘Visio to MIF transform’ 

Reflects the use of Remixer to generate these MIFs

Whitespaces are normalized inside xhtml elements and inside the name attribute of <mif:businessName> Not anticipated to impact stakeholders 

Known Issues

This is a list of known issues that have been identified as part of the development of this release.

SCWGFIDKnown IssueArtifact
SCWG 6692

The Standards Collaborative is currently streamlining release processes to become more responsive to our Stakeholders needs. As a result, there is a need to make changes to the Standards Maintenance processes outlined in Section 10 of the Implementation Guide Volume 0 – Overview guide.

Implementation Guide Volume 0

 SCWG 2 769 A bug was encountered in the RMIM Designer version we are using ( which broke existing models. Act relationship to a choice box was not being represented correctly.  This was fixed in RMIM Designer version 4.7.8.  These three models were edited using this later version of the RMIM Designer. The entry point for these models now have a “PropertycontextConduction” tag, a feature which was introduced in the later version of RMIM designer, REPC_MT220001CA, REPC_MT220003CA, REPC_MT230001CA
 SCWG 6 694 The example messages contain data (e.g. terminology references) that originate from HL7 International and in some cases this information is not a part of the Canadian domain.  This is an existing issue with all panCanadian HL7 v3 releases. All Example Message Instances
 Remixer16345 Remixer does not currently export the derivedFrom information when new classes and or attributes are created in RM.  The derivedFrom node is missing from the Remixed MIFs Remixer Beta MIF v2
 SCWG 6693 Some MS Word View of the message models references the terminology object type (concept domain or value set) bound by a message attribute incorrectly. Also due to the long name of some concept domains, some text within the message attribute property table are being cut off. In both issues, please refer to the Visio message model for the source of truthSome Word Views for Message Models
 SCWG 6 695A small number of example messages do not validate against the schema.  Example Message Instances 
 SCWG 6 696The interaction MIFs are inconsistently representing the Receiver Responsibility details. It sometimes show the Trigger event as well as the Interaction and sometimes only the interactionRemixer Beta MIF v2 and HL7 v3
 SCWG 5468In certain models the sequence and content of attributes, classes and associations may be different in the Remixer models from the HL7 V3 generated models.  The HL7 V3 models are considered to be correct.  


 SCWG 2770In certain models the sequence and content of attributes, classes and associations may be different in the Remixer models from the HL7 V3 generated models.  The HL7 V3 models are considered to be correct.  


 SCWG 6697 Minor differences in the  names, descriptions and version number between HL7 V3 and Remixer MIFs. 

Interactions MIFs, Message Type MIFs

The MIFs generated by the HL7 V3 generator should be considered the source of truth for this release

 SCWG 7590There appears to be a bug within RMIM Designer that prevents proper association of a constraint with an attribute. This occurred in PRPA_MT101001CA - Add Client but NOT in PRPA_MT101002CA - Revise Client. The work- around used was to add the constraint text, "ONLY allow a value to be associated with multipleBirthOrderNumber if the multipltBirthInd is 1." to an existing class constraint associated with the Person class.

PRPA_MT101001CA – Add Client


Tooling/RIM Version

Master Terminology WorksheetExcel 2010
Terminology Reference to Message ModelsFindVocabUsage.xslt v13332 
Vocabulary Model Interchange Format (MIF)

MTW Conversion.xls v22434

ExpandCAUVSchema.xslt v18104 

Model MIF-2 View Remixer (beta)Remixer v3.0.1rc10 
Model MIF-1 View HL7 V3 Generator 3.2.2_20100219CA
Model MIF-2 ViewHL7 V3 Generator 3.2.2_20100219CA
XML SchemasHL7 V3 Generator 3.2.2_20100219CA
Message Worksheets Excel (xls) view 

HL7 V3 Generator 3.2.2_20100219CA


Excel 2010

Message Worksheet Table ViewHL7 V3 Generator 3.2.2_20100219CA
Models – Visio View

Visio 2007, RMIM Designer 4.7.1 + a required fix made by the SC and submitted to HL7 International as bug 1966

RoseTree 5.0.20 

Models – Word ViewGeneratedocs.doc v21852
Sample Messages Eclipse Instance Editor
Additional Tools Used as part of the generation process 


HL7 Description Editor v-1.3.4

HL7 Publishing Widget v-5.0.25

ExportGraphics.vsd v1159

RIM Repository – Vocabulary:  2.41.2

RIM Repository – Structure: 2.19 

Page properties
Client RegistryMajor
Common ServicesMajor
Location RegistryMajor
Privacy & SecurityMajor
Provider RegistryMajor
Public HealthMajor
Shared HealthMajor


Downloadable Artifacts



SC-5001-EN - Release Notes - MR02.05 -

Release Notes, Terminology Release Notes, a Change Log and a Terminology Change File

All Domains - MR02.05 -

This is a zip of the entire MR 02.05 Release



Implementation Guides

The purpose of these documents is to provide implementation, compliance and conformance guidelines for use in developing software that conforms to the pan-Canadian HL7 v3 Message and Terminology Specifications developed through the Standards Collaborative governance process.






Data Type Specification

General guidance and specifications on data type usage.








Master Terminology Worksheet


(MTW) is an artifact that specifies the pan-Canadian terminologies developed to support the electronic communication in pan-Canadian standards.

SC-3004-EN -





This file provides information on linkage from concept domains and value sets contained in the Master Terminology Worksheet to where they are referenced in the model attributes within the pan-Canadian static models included in this release. A XML editor/viewing is strongly recommended to be used when viewing this information.

SC-3004-EN -



zip Vocabulary




represent the MTW in a computable format which allows computer systems to consume the content.





This spreadsheet is a pivotal document in that it ties together the scope of the pan-Canadian HL7 v3 Specifications from a transaction perspective, through to interactions and finally to messages.





This file contains message models in MIF(Model Interchange Format) version 2 format. These files have been generated from Remixer, our new HL7 messaging development tool. These MIFs are considered beta for this release, but the goal is to only publish Remixer MIFs in future releases.




This file contains message models in MIF(Model Interchange Format) version 1 format generated from the V3 generator legacy tools.




Models MIF-2 View

This file contains message models in MIF(Model Interchange Format) version 2 format generated from the V3 legacy tools.







XML Schemas

This file contains all XML schemas for message types and interactions as well as the core schema files (narrative block, infrastructure root, vocab schema and datatype schema)






This file contains all message models in Excel (XLS) format




Message Worksheets - Table View

This file contains all message models in Table View format.








This file contains all message models in Visio format





This file contains a business rendering of the message models in Word format








Example Messages

This file contains example messages in XML format







This file contains pan-Canadian Conformance Profiles. These Profiles can be used to guide organizations developing, implementing or testing the Message Specifications





Documents the suite of artifacts that make up the pan-Canadian HL7 v3 Message and Terminology Specifications as well as supporting documents
