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DateJuly 31, 2020


AccessTerminology Gateway
Code SystemLOINC
Code System Version2.68
Release TypeMaintenance

The pan-Canadian LOINC Observation Code Database (pCLOCD) standard is published as an Excel file that contains ten tabs. The four tabs that were edited in this release include Infoway Terms of Use, LOINC® Copyright, Nomenclature and the Change Log. This release contains the July 2020 update (2.68) from the Regenstrief Institute Inc. and any interim changes from the previously published release, which are described below. 



1. There are a total of 38,269 272 records this release, up from 38,256 in the previously released version. This version incorporates all of the applicable LOINC changes in version 2.68 as published by Regenstrief in June 2020.

2. 37,371 374 records have been translated to French, up from 37,356 in the last version. Terms that are marked ‘Review Draft’ should be reviewed before they are used as the translation has not been previously published. Terms that are marked as ‘Complete’ have been previously published. 

3. 54 71 records were modified in English for this release and are marked as R05.12.00_2.68

a.  9 records are of the change type Major for English changes.

b.  7 records are of the change type Minor for English changes..

c. 23 records are of the change type Name for English changes.

e.14 corrections were made to Viewer Names

f.  2 records have been changed to Inactive and marked as Deprecated.

4. 13 16 new records were added for the English version.

5. 60 53 records were modified in French for this release and are marked as R05.12.00_2.68

a. 16 6 records are of the change type Major for the French translation.

b. 5 records are of the change type Minor for the French translation.

c. 22 records are of the change type Name for the French translation.

d. 3 records V Namecorrections were made to Viewer Names

e. 1 record has been changed to Inactive and marked as Deprecated.

6. 13 16 new records were added for the French version.

7. Both languages contain a number of codes that only have changes in the other language; those are identified as ‘No Change’.

8. pCLOCD Terms of Use includes several important updates. Key changes include

  • More flexibility in which fields must be included when LOINC/pCLOCD is incorporated into a product or service. See section 6 and 8.

9. pCLOCD Maintenance Guide has been updated to reflect revised pCLOCD Copyright and License. As well, Requesting a New Code section (6.1)  has been updated to include additional steps prior to submitting a pCLOCD/LOINC request.

Of specific interest in this release , current implementers may want to review these changes:

    • LOINC terms related to SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 testing was the primary focus during this release cycle. We worked closely with Canadian implementers to ensure timely processing of requests of LOINC content for SARS-CoV-2 laboratory tests for publishing in this July 2020 pCLOCD release. 7 new SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 LOINC terms were added. 
    • Updated terms with ‘CBC’ to ‘Complete blood count’ for consistency across terms.

    • Updated "Viral hemorrhagic disease virus" to "Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus" based on the short name, which includes the RHDV acronym, and to align with the species name used in the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). Separate terms exist in LOINC for other hemorrhagic disease virus testing.

    • Adjusted naming of several vitamin D terms for consistency

    • Changed System from XXX to ^Specimen for for a number of terms related to specimen collection

    • 13

    First improved pCLOCD release automatically processed in SQL, with the exception of some manual processing for pan-Canadian attributes, respective translations and the Component French translation. This migration from Excel to SQL resolved the issue inaccurate display in pan-Canadian Name field in English and French.
    Enhancements from new SQL based processing of pCLOCD releases, include:
  • high data quality and integrity, during the migration of data over 100 edits to LOINC terms were completed to corrected errors identified
  • internal archiving of all previous versions of pCLOCD more readily accessible for traceability and analytics
  • Updated Change History log, robust information is now available, changes are now identified with corresponding LOINC version number, as of this release (2.67) and onwards. Version number appears prior to the details of the change. In addition, details of change now includes the "From" and "To" changes the term underwent.
    • term edits were not identified as R05.

    • 12.00_2.

    • 68, these edits were based on

    the added tall man lettering to LOINC parts that were overlooked in the 2.66 release. The tall man lettering for drugs is based on recommendations from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices and ISMP Canada, please see the new list of LOINC Terms with Tall Man Lettering to identify the changes.
    Corrected scientific name for cantaloupe allergy terms
    Updated the Component Aquaporin 4 receptor to Aquaporin 4 water channel per current scientific nomenclature
    Reclassified terms into DOC.MISC and MOLPATH.PHARMG Classes
    • community input. An extra apostraphe (') at the start of each Example Viewer (English) was deleted for the following LOINC codes: 

    • LOINC Codes 41212-2, 74857-4, 6275-2 have been reported shortly after July 2020 release. These codes require corrections to pan-Canadian Name (EN), as well as Example Viewer Name (EN & FR). These corrections will be a part of the January 2021 pCLOCD release.