
The Patient Identifier Cross-Reference for Mobile (PIXm) Integration Profile provides a transaction for mobile and lightweight browser-based applications to query a Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Manager for a list of patient identifiers based on the patient identifier in a different domain and retrieve a patient’s cross-domain identifiers information into the application.

PIXm is intended to be used by lightweight applications and mobile devices present in healthcare enterprises of a broad range of sizes (hospital, a clinic, a physician office, etc.). It supports the cross-reference query of patient identifiers from multiple Patient Identifier Domains by providing the ability to access the list(s) of cross-referenced patient identifiers via a query/response.

Actors and Transactions

The following diagram provides an overview of the PIXm profile Actors, Transactions and their interactions.

The table below lists the transactions for each actor directly involved in the PIXm profile. To claim compliance with PIXm, an actor shall support all required transactions (labeled “R”).




Patient Identity Manager

Mobile Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Query [ITI-83]


Patient Identity Cross-Reference Consumer

Mobile Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Query [ITI-83]



  • Mobile Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Query [ITI-83] - Used by the Patient Identity Cross-Reference Consumer actor to solicit information about patients whose Patient Identifiers cross-match with Patient Identifiers provided in the query parameters of the request message. The request is received by the Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Manager. The Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Manager processes the request and returns a response in the form of zero or more Patient Identifiers for the matching patient. Uses a FHIR Patient $ihe-pix operation: GET [base]/Patient/$ihe-pix?<query>

Sequence Diagram

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