Release TitleCA Core+ v0.2.0 DFT
Release Date


Release Type Draft
Open Review PeriodN/A
Published Content

CA Core+ v0.2.0 DFT FHIR Implementation Guide

Download Specifications (PDF)


How to Provide Feedback: 

If you have feedback on the pan-Canadian Core FHIR Profile Set v0.2.0 DFT, to be considered for a future release, you can now submit your feedback via Jira as defined below;

  • To submit feedback, you must register as a user on Infoway’s InfoCentral, be an active member of a working group, and be granted access to the JIRA projects.
  • To register on the InfoCentral website, go to: Click on the Register link and follow the instructions to create an account.
  • Once registered in InfoCentral, and a working group, you can request access to Jira directly in a working group meeting, or by emailing [email protected].
  • To access Jira, go to: (Note: this link will only work if you have been granted access to JIRA).
  • Submit your feedback on Jira. You will receive automatic notifications when your submissions receive comments or reach milestones during the review process.
  • All collaborators are encouraged to browse through previously submitted feedback to see if a topic has already been discussed.

Please find more information on specification feedback by clicking on this link: pan-Canadian Interoperability Specifications Feedback

If you have any questions, issues, or comments related to specification feedback, please reach out to [email protected]

Release Notes

CA Core+ v0.2.0 DFT Release Notes

  • Updates to align with ongoing updates to the pCHDCF (pan-Canadian Health Data Content Framework)
  • Temporary removal of Obligations, pending advent of CACDI (Canadian Core Data for Interoperability) v1
  • See Change Log page in the IGuide for further details and additional changes