New Immunization subsets since February 2024:
The following subsets were developed based on Public Health Surveillance stakeholders input and existing Public Health standards for the required data that need to be captured from the Public Health care providers. The process included review of relevant content, confirmation of SNOMED CT active concepts and review and final approval by the Public Health Surveillance Community. The subsets have been curated specifically to capture only relevant immunization information.
- The ImmunizationMarketAuthorizationHolderCode subset identifies the Market Authorization Holder authorized by Health Canada for distributing the immunizing agent in Canada.
- The ImmunizationReportingSourceCode subset identifies the source of the immunization record.
- The ImmunizationAdministrationAnatomicalSiteCode subset identifies the anatomical site where the immunizing agent was administered.
- The ImmunizationRouteOfAdministrationCode identifies the path the administered immunization takes to get into the body. The subset has been curated specifically to capture only routes of administration relevant to immunization
- The ImmunizationPractitionerOccupationCode identifies the occupation of healthcare practitioner that administer immunization. The subset has been curated specifically to capture only relevant healthcare practitioner occupations.
The below sections are currently under review due to the Immunization RedesignIf you have questions or need information, please contact us |
Overview of the Immunization Subsets
A Canadian vaccine model has been developed for use with SNOMED CT and is intended to be extensible to accommodate the broader use of medicinal products in Canada. Building on the foundation of SNOMED CT as a reference terminology, each concept within the domain has explicit relationships with other concepts; these relationships will be particularly important to support the analytics use cases that exist in the Immunization domain.
Subset Development
An iterative approach was used for subset development to allow Infoway to adjust and amend the subset content and format based on the stakeholders’ specific requirements. It is expected that new content will be developed and will likely be exclusive to Canada, but any existing SNOMED CT Core content will be leveraged where possible.
The vaccine subsets were developed based on stakeholder input and existing Public Health standards for the required data that need to be captured from the Public Health care providers. As a starting point, the following subsets were developed:
- Administrable Vaccines (include trade name products)
- Historical Vaccines (include generic vaccines; might include trade name products)
- Historical Passive Immunizing Agents (include generic vaccines; might include trade name products)
- Administrable Passive Immunizing Agents (include trade name products)
- Antigens (substances included in the Vaccines)
- Immunoglobulins (substances included in the Immunizing Agents)
- Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
The following sections provide detailed information as to how the subsets were developed, the patterns applied as well as the rationale for any decisions made as part of this process.
Each subset has its own metadata information that provides the definition of the subset and a list of the concepts in the subset. Each subset is formatted individually to preserve clarity and consistent understanding of the content. This facilitates accurate data capture to help ensure patient safety. This individual formatting of subsets does not prevent a stakeholder from combining the subset content, as long as data presented are unambiguous to the care provider at the user interface.