Infoway RFC process for English Content Begins with Requestor 

  1. Submit RFC using InfoRMS, include supporting information
  2. Infoway reviews RFC and supporting information
  3. Is there a code available in pCLOCD or RELMA?
    1. If YES
      1. Infoway updates InfoRMS ticket with required codes.
      2. End Process
    2. If NO
      1. Continue
  4. Are there sufficient details to proceed?
    1. If NO 
      1. Request additional information from Requestor
      2. Continue
    2. If YES
      1. Continue
  5. Requested codes sent to Regenstrief using XCA identifiers
  6. Regenstrief reviews Infoway request
  7. Are there enough details to proceed?
    1. If NO 
      1. Request additional information from Infoway
      2. Go to 4.
    2. If YES  
      1. Regenstrief sends new codes to Infoway
      2. Go to 3.a

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