1. There are a total of 38,708 records this release, up from 38,573 in the previously released version. This version incorporates all of the applicable LOINC changes in version 2.72 as published by Regenstrief in February 2022.
2. 37,831 records have been translated to French, up from 37,680 in the last version. Terms that are marked ‘Review Draft’ should be reviewed before they are used as the translation has not been previously published. Terms that are marked as ‘Complete’ have been previously published.
3. 328 records were modified in English for this release and are marked as R05.16.00_2.72
a. 9 records are of the change type Major for English changes.
b. 1 record is of the change type Minor for English changes.
c. 171 records are of the change type Name for English changes.
d. 3 corrections were made to Viewer Names.
4. 136 new records were added for the English version.
5. 364 records were modified in French for this release and are marked as R05.16.00_2.72
a. 8 records are of the change type Major for the French translation.
b. 2 records are of the change type Minor for English changes.
c. 197 records are of the change type Name for the French translation.
d. 6 corrections were made to Viewer Names
6. 151 new records were added for the French version.
7. Both languages contain a number of codes that only have changes in the other language; those are identified as ‘No Change’.
Of specific interest in this release , current implementers may want to review these changes:
- LOINC terms related to SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 testing continues to be prioritized during release cycles. Working closely with Canadian implementers and Regenstrief team we have ensured timely processing of LOINC content requests for SARS-CoV-2 laboratory tests.
- If your SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 LOINC term for testing is not listed and you need a code, please submit a Request for Change via Infoway’s Request Management System.
- Visit our frequently updated Standards Resource for COVID-19 page to find latest news and information related to all COVID-19 content updates for LOINC, pCLOCD and SNOMED International and Canadian editions. Be sure to check the newly added COVID 19 Public Health Terminology Dashboard providing access to all of the Health Terminology content developed by Infoway supporting the COVID-19 and related concepts.
- A number of changes were not identified as R05.16.00_2.72, based on community input and internal review this includes:
- Canadian French Translation of LOINC Method “Confirmé” updated to "Confirmation". 478 LOINC terms with this method were updated in pCLOCD.
New Content highlights:
New LOINC codes are added in pCLOCD solely on stakeholder requests. Infoway only adds the LOINC content identified by jurisdictions as being used/required, in this way we support pCLOCD being representative of usage and requirements in Canada. However, a list of all newly published LOINC 2.72 codes is available for download. If your jurisdiction requires existing LOINC codes added to pCLOCD, please submit your request via InfoRMS.
New LOINC codes added to pCLOCD in this release includes: 136 terms
- Nearly half of the terms added are Microbiology and Chemistry class
- Other new terms are in Challenge, Hematology, Allergy, and Drug/toxicology class.
Term edits highlights:
- For LOINC terms detecting neutralizing antibodies, updated "Ab" to "Ab.Neut" in the Component
- New additions of Canadian French translation for Component names in Coagulation class LOINC terms
- Corrected several Canadian French Component names. Translation of LOINC term Component "Epithelial cells.squamos" updated to "Cellules pavimenteuses".
- Corrected some minor typos in Viewer names
Questions and feedback welcome, email us: [email protected]