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CeRx Release Notes V01R04.3 Hot Fix 1 - Nov. 4, 2007


Release Purpose

This document describes the content of this CeRx V01R04.3Hot Fix 1 update and includes all applicable business and technical artifacts. 

Release Change Synopsis

This release incorporates the following changes: 

  • Correct the Act Uncertainty vocabulary domain in the Vocabulary Status Spreadsheet
  • Updating the NULL flavor data type in the CeRx Data Type document
  • Updates to the Scope & Tracking Framework (STF) to:
    • Align name between the STF and the word view/ xsd
    • Updates to the Interactions Tab to:
      • Update the ‘Trigger Tab’ to reflect the correct vocabulary domains MedicationOrderAbortReasonCode and MedicationOrderReleaseReasonCode
      • Added several interactions into the Role Interaction Tab
      • Changed the MT payload for a number of interactions to use the Detected Issue CMET instead of the Reported Issue CMET
      • Updated a Data type in Patient medical conditions query response
      • Updated a transport wrapper for Patient note query
      • Changed Activate device prescription notification to Out-of-Scope for CA
      • Changes to resume and abort prescription to support futureEffectiveTime
      • Changes to suspend to support futureEffectiveTime and endEffectiveTime
  • Changes to multiple message types to correct errors reported through forum postings

Downloadable Artifacts


CeRx Release Notes V01R04.3 Hot Fix 2 - Feb. 3, 2008


Release Purpose

This document describes the content of this CeRx V01R04.3 Hot Fix 2 update and includes all applicable business and technical artifacts.


Release Change Synopsis 

This release incorporates the following changes: 

  • Updates to the Vocabulary Status Spreadsheet
    • Added codes from x_HeightOrWeightObservationUnitsOfMeasure to the codes in x_BasicUnitsOfMeasure.
    • Modified codes in x_ActObservationHeightOrWeight for "body weight - stated" and "body height - stated".
    • Modified codes in ObservationIssueTriggerMeasuredObservationType for "body weight - stated", "body height - stated" and replaced with the code for glucose with – “14743-9 glucometer Glucose level on capillary blood”.
  • Updates to IG V01R04.3 Volume 3 - Shared Messages to clarify keyword management
  • Updates to the CeRx Data Type document
    • Modified the description for 8.4 TEL.PHONEMAIL, “Pager (only for use with Telephone)”
    • Added clarification on the use of NULL in IVL<TS.FULLDATE
    • Amended the example for GTS.BOUNDEDPIVL
    • Added new data types TS.DATETIME and to the CeRx Data Type Specification.
  • Updates to the Scope & Tracking Framework (STF) to:
  • Updates to the Interactions Tab to:
    • Remove an erroneous payload from three interactions
    • Changed the Trigger Event (ControlAct) Wrapper on two interaction one which does not require a payload
    • Updated all six Trigger Event (Control Act) wrappers to use CWE for the ControlActReason
  • Changes to multiple message types to correct errors reported through forum postings

Downloadable Artifacts


CeRx Release Notes V01R04.3 Hot Fix 3 - Aug. 14, 2008


Release Purpose

This document describes the content of this CeRx V01R04.3 Hot Fix 3 update and includes all applicable business and technical artifacts.


Release Change Synopsis

This Hot Fix release incorporates changes in the following artifacts. 

  • Updates to the Scope & Tracking Framework (STF)
  • Updates to IG V01R04.3 Volume 1 - Pharmacy - V01R04.3 - 20070712
  • Changes to multiple message models to correct errors reported through forum postings
  • Updates to the Schemas to reflect the changes in the message models
  • Updates to the CeRx Data Type document
  • Updates to the Vocabulary Status Spreadsheet

Publication Artifact Changes


Business Artifacts

Artifact / Group



Changes / Notes to Readers

Scope and Tracking Framework document

  • PN502-PM99-EN - Scope & Package Tracking Framework –V01R04.3 Hot Fix 3 -
  • Transaction C01.04 - Get Patient Prescriptions, Never Dispensed -
  • The short description in the STF was changed to align with the description that is in the implementation guide.
  •  PORX_IN020220CA - Record supply event (ward stock) request accept
  •  The transport wrapper was changed to MCCI_MT000300CA (Application Ack Transport Wrapper).
  •  The control act wrapper was changed to MCAI_MT700222CA (Trigger Event Response from DIS).
  •  The payload was removed i.e. changed to <NONE>
  •  PORX_IN020230CA - Record supply event (ward stock) request refused
  •  The transport wrapper was changed to MCCI_MT000300CA (Application Ack Transport Wrapper)
  •  PORX_IN060020CA - Device prescr. with hist. and disp. query resp.
  •  The payload in the interaction tab was changed from PORX_MT060010CA - Device Dispense Detail to PORX_MT060040CA - Device Prescription Detail.
  •  PORX_TE020280UV - Request to record dispense reversal
  •  The Trigger Event Reason Domain was changed from <None> to 'PharmacySupplyEventAbortReasonCode'.
  •  PORX_TE020090UV - Dispense reversed
  •  The Trigger Event Reason Domain was change from 'PharmacySupplyEventAbortReasonCode' to <None>.

Implementation Guide

  • SC-CA-0006-EN Implementation Guide Volume 1 – Pharmacy – V01R04.3 – 20080814.pdf
  •  Section  C01.05 - Get Patient Prescriptions with Remaining Dispenses
  • The description in the implementation guide was changed to use what is in the CeRx query summary spreadsheet.
  •  Section 8.3.7 - Prescription Status Change Scenarios Discussion
  •  Additional guidance was added to the IG with respect to the 'Obsolete' Status through the addition of a new scenario to Prescription Status Change Scenarios Discussion (Scenario #10).
  •  Whole Guide
  •  The Pharmacy Implementation Guide was scanned for references to a status of 'Complete' and those found were changed to 'Completed'.
  •  Whole Guide
  •  The Pharmacy Implementation Guide was scanned for references to a status of 'Superceded' and those found were changed to 'Obsolete'.

Technical Artifacts

Artifact / Group



Changes / Notes to Readers

Message Models

  • PN502-2003-EN – Table View - V01R04.3 Hot Fix 3 -
  • PN502-2003-EN – Excel View - V01R04.3 Hot Fix 3 -
  • PN502-2003-EN – Word View - V01R04.3 Hot Fix 3 -
  • PN502-2003-EN – MIF View - V01R04.3 Hot Fix 3 -
  • PN502-2003-EN – Visio View - V01R04.3 Hot Fix 3 -
  • COCT_MT141007CA - Device Minimal
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Device Package Quantity’ in Content to 5.
  • COCT_MT220100CA - Orderable Medication
  • The number of supported repetitions of the ‘Drug Ingredients’ attribute was increased from 10 to 50.
  • COCT_MT220110CA - Orderable Medication response
  • The number of supported repetitions of the ‘Drug Ingredients’ attribute was increased from 10 to 50.
  • COCT_MT220200CA - Administrable Medication
  • The number of supported repetitions of the ‘Drug Ingredients’ attribute was increased from 10 to 50.
  • COCT_MT220210CA - Administrable Medication response
  • The number of supported repetitions of the ‘Drug Ingredients’ attribute was increased from 10 to 50.
  • POIZ_MT030050CA - Add Immunization
  • The 'Vaccine Dose Number' attribute was changed from ‘Required’ to 'Populated'.
  • The business name for the effective Time in NextPlannedImmunization was changed to 'Next Planned Dose Date'.
  • The business name for the effective time in NextImmunizationPlan was changed to 'Next Planned Series Repeat Date'.
  • The business name 'to be renewed on' was added to the Successor association
  • The business name for the Fulfillment association was changed from 'identifies’ to ‘next dose planned for’.
  • A description for the two classes NextPlannedImmunization and NextImmunizationPlan was added
  • POIZ_MT030060CA - Update Immunization
  • The Quantity Administered attribute was changed from ‘Required’ to 'Populated'.
  • The statusCode in next immunization plan was changed to CNE as this code is fixed to ‘IMMUNIZ’.  Also to be consistent throughout the model.
  • The business name for the effective time in NextImmunizationPlan was changed to 'Next Planned Series Repeat Date'.
  • The business name for the Successor association was changed from ‘next dose planned for’ to ‘to be renewed on’
  • The business name for the Fulfillment association was changed from’ to be renewed on’ to ‘next dose planned for’
  • A description for the two classes NextPlannedImmunization and NextImmunizationPlan was added.


  • POME_MT010100CA - Medication Lookup Response
  • The maximum repetitions for the ingredient was increased to 100.
  • PORX_MT010110CA - Device Order
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Fill Quantity’ in SupplementalFillInformation to 5.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Total Prescribed Quantity’ in SupplyRequest to 5.
  • PORX_MT020060CA - Device Dispense
  • A new component relationship to a 'SupplyRequest' was added.  The SupplyRequest contains a 'required' Total Prescribed Quantity and a 'required Total Days Supply, with a constraint that at least one of them must be present and not null.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Dispensed Quantity’ in SupplyEvent to 5.
  • PORX_MT030040CA - Drug Prescription Summary
  • The number of supported repetitions of ‘Detected Issue’ was increased from 5 to 50.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Fills Remaining’ in SupplyEventFutureSummary to 3.
  • PORX_MT040020CA - Update Other Medication
  • The Drug Active Period was changed from ‘required’ to ‘populated’.
  • The 'Other Medication Masking Indicator' was added.
  • PORX_MT060010CA – Device Dispense Detail
  • The 'changed by' Author under 'has history' was changed to Mandatory as opposed to the current Populated.
  • Changed the Change Timestamp on the ‘changed by’ association from Required to Mandatory.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Dispensed Quantity’ in SupplyEvent to 5.
  • PORX_MT060030CA - Device Dispense Summary Query
  • The 'Rx Dispenser Indicators' parameter was removed.
  • PORX_MT060040CA – Device Prescription Detail
  • The number of supported repetitions of ‘reported issues’ was increased to 25 on the Device Dispense class.
  • The number of supported repetitions of ‘annotations’ was increased to 99 .
  • The number of supported repetitions of ‘Detected Issue’ was increased from 5 to 50.
  • The "supplyRequest" (includes dispense instructions)  association was changed from Mandatory to Populated.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Dispensed Quantity’ in SupplyEvent to 5.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Fill Quantity’ in SupplementalFillInformation to 5.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Fills Remaining’ in SupplyEventFutureSummary to 2.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘First Quantity Dispensed’ in SupplyEventFirstSummary to 5.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Last Quantity Dispensed’ in SupplyEventLastSummary to 5.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Remaining Total Quantity’ in SupplyEventFutureSummary to 5.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Total Prescribed Quantity’ in SupplyRequest to 5.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Total Supplied Amount’ in SupplyEventPastSummary to 5.
  • PORX_MT060060CA - Device Prescription Summary
  • The existing element ‘substitutionConditionCode’ in the ‘location’ association of the 'Dispense Instruction' (SupplyRequest) was removed.
  • The time element was added in the ‘location’ association of the 'Dispense Instruction' (SupplyRequest) so that it matches the original order.
  • The number of supported repetitions of ‘Detected Issue’ was increased from 5 to 50.
  • Added the 'refused at' association to RefusalToFill.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Fills Remaining' in SupplyEventFutureSummary to 2.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘First Quantity Dispensed’ in SupplyEventFirstSummary to 5.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Last Quantity Dispensed’ in SupplyEventLastSummary to 5.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Remaining Total Quantity’ in SupplyEventFutureSummary to 5.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Total Prescribed Quantity’ in SupplyRequest to 5.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Total Supplied Amount’ in SupplyEventPastSummary to 5.
  • PORX_MT060160CA - Medication Profile Detail
  • The Derived From Source Dispense class (PORX_MT060160CA.SourceDispense) was changed to have the  statusCode element with a fixed value of 'completed', similar to PORX_MT060190CA (Medication Profile Summary).
  • The number of supported repetitions of ‘Detected Issue’ was increased from 5 to 50.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Fills Remaining’ in SupplyEventFutureSummary to 3.
  • PORX_MT060190CA - Medication profile summary
  • Added the 'refused at' association to RefusalToFill.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Fills Remaining’ in SupplyEventFutureSummary to 3.
  • Changed the refusal to fill detected issues maximum allowed repetitions from 5 to 50.
  • PORX_MT060240CA – Unfilled Prescription Summary Query
  • The code in the Rx Dispense Indicator description was changed from 'ND' to 'N' to be consistent with the vocabulary spreadsheet.
  • PORX_MT060340CA - Drug Prescription Detail
  • The Trial Supply Permission class (PORX_MT060340CA.TrialSupplyPermission) contains the element 'code' with fixed value 'TF'. The data type was changed to a CV to align with the Rx Drug Order message (PORX_MT010120CA).
  • The authorizes allowed substitution class (PORX_MT060340CA.SubstitutionPermission) contains the element 'code' with fixed value 'G'.  The data type was changed to CV to align with the Rx Drug Order message.
  • Added the maximum integer length of ‘Fills Remaining’ in SupplyEventFutureSummary to 3.
  • PORX_MT980040 - DosageInstruction
The code domain for the approachSiteCode element was returned to 'HumanSubstanceAdministrationSite'.
  • REPC_MT120001CA -  Professional Service Query
The add/update time specification ('ServicePeriod' parameter) was changed back to use IVL<TS.FULLDATE>.
  • QUQI_MT120000CA - Trigger Event Wrapper for Query Responses
  • The outstanding issue related to a visio ‘bug’ which caused the apparent change of the PORX_MT980030CA - Reported Issues CMET to PORX_MT980020 - Detected Issues CMET to not propagate through the generated artifacts (MIF) has been fixed.  The MIF file now correctly references PORX_MT980020 - Detected Issues CMET.
  • Changed the business name for the association to the detected issue from ‘caused’ to ‘raises’ to align with other response wrappers utilizing PORX_MT980020CA (e.g. MCAI_MT700220CA).


  • PN502-2003-EN - XML Schemas (with MIF data) - V01R04.3 Hot Fix 3 -


  • Aligned with CeRx V01R04.3 Message Models above.

    Note: Zip file only contains updated artifacts for this hot fix update.  Reviewers should replace and/or add these artifacts to the full V01R04.3 CeRx materials.



Data types

  • PN502-3002-EN - Data Types –

  • The following typos were corrected in the CeRx Data Type document:

- In the IVL<TS.DATETIME> example, xsi:type=.IVL_TS should read xsi:type="IVL_TS".

- In the TS.DATETIME example, the tag isn't closed (missing />).

  • The 'width property' for IVL<TS.DATETIME> was changed to PQ.TIME which allows the full set of time units, including hours, minutes and seconds.

Vocabulary Status Spreadsheet

  • PN502-3004-EN - Vocabulary Status – V02R04.3 -
  • ActDetectedIssueManagementCode
  • Since the 2nd 19 (augment current supply-on-hand) has not yet been finalized in the harmonization process, agree to change augment current supply-on-hand to 21 after the newly proposed code 20.
  • ActMonitoringProtocolCode
  • SP(special access) – changed to SAC with same display name and definitions as per HL7 specification
  • ActPatientNoteType
  • As GEN(General Note) is a duplicate code already in use in ActDetectedIssue as Genetic Alert , changed the Code to GENRN
  • As LAB(Lab Note) is a duplicate code already in use in ActDetected Issue as Lab Alert, changed Code to LABN
  • ActPatientAnnotationCode
  • As ActPatientAnnotationCode in the Domain Overview hyperlinked to a tab with the same sheet name but the tab listed the valueset name as ActPatientNoteTypeCode, changed the valueset name to ActPatientAnnotationCode.
  • ActInformationCategoryCode
  • Added ARCAT – adverse reaction category - All information pertaining to a patient's adverse reaction records
  • ActInformationAccessTypeCode
  • Added ACDI – diagnostic image access - Provide consent to view or access diagnostic image information for a patient


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