Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space SCTC and version 2.7

Known Issues

Known issues include content or technical issues where the root cause is understood and the resolution has been discussed and agreed to but have yet to be implemented. This can be due to a number of reasons which include lack of capacity within the current editorial cycle and risk of impact to the stability of SNOMED CT if the fix were to be deployed at that stage in the product lifecycle.

Terminology issues

The following are known issues:

a. Concepts containing conjunctions AND/OR or OR that are potentially ambiguous:

When Editorial Guidelines were more « flexible » some « deviant » concepts were added to the CA Edition. These may be present in Communicable Disease and Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) projects/subsets. Since then, the editorial criteria have matured and these types of concepts will no longer be added to the CA Edition. The following « deviant » concepts will be kept in the CA Edition until they are no longer required.

Examples: 10741000087101|Malignant tumor of ovary and/or fallopian tube (disorder)| 

or 20721000087101|Meningitis or encephalitis (disorder)|

or 8141000087102|Anaphylaxis to previous dose or a constituent of this vaccine (situation)|

b. Duplicate concepts

There is the potential that CA Edition concepts duplicate existing concepts in the International Edition. 

Example: 577191261000087109|Congenital rubella infection (disorder)| and 1857005|Congenital rubella syndrome (disorder)|

c. Concepts missing definitions and concepts missing refinements

Infoway does not « fully model » all concepts in the CA Edition because:

    • When submitted to SNOMED International, they will fully model when applicable.
    • International content must be completed and stable before the CA Edition content is modelled fully. 

             As a result, there may occasionally be missing defining relationships that could be added to better represent the full and unambiguous meaning of a concept through logical definition.


d. Incomplete coverage

Some concepts are missing or have not been identified as a requirement and submitted as a change request, and therefore there is incomplete is incomplete content coverage.

Examples: 22231000087107|Structure of nail of all fingers (body structure)| is a child of 70327001|Structure of all fingers (body structure)|.

The concept 70327001|Structure of all fingers (body structure)| includes the following subtypes:

    • 362779006|All fingers (body structure)|
    • 22599004|Skin structure of all fingers (body structure)|
      • 368364009|Entire skin of all fingers (body structure)|
    • 88814004|Subcutaneous tissue structure of all fingers (body structure)|
      • 368365005|Entire subcutaneous tissue of all fingers (body structure)|
    • 22231000087107|Structure of nail of all fingers (body structure)|

        It appears that a concept “Entire nail of all fingers” should also be created for completeness

Technical fixed issues

    • . An issue was reported related to duplicated rows in the Language File der2_cRefset_LanguageFull_CanadianEdition_20210331.txt of the March 2021 CA Edition package:

    • After investigation, it appears that the FSN of the targeted concept was inactivated in the 20210131 version. The description was: Product containing tetanus immunoglobulin of human origin (medicinal product) and its ID was: 3524452012.
    • Because this is a vaccine and it is part of the CA Edition, we reconciled the international change with the CA Edition content for the March 2021 release.
    • In the French CA Edition, the FSN was linked to source EN FSN. It seems that a problem occurred when reconciliating the EN FSN inactivation with the FR linkage to the new concept FSN. It is important to understand that the English changes are dealt in the CA-Prod environment and the French linkage is dealt in the CF-Prod environment, because this is a core concept. The management of description changes is complex due to the many actions that needs to be achieved in the two environment.
    • There is only one occurrence of duplication, but that occurrence is present in the FULL release package AND in the DELTA package. it is not present in the SNAPSHOT release package.
    • Most implementers will be implementing the SNAPSHOT files, so we think that this issue should not have major impact on the Canadian stakeholders.
      Resolution: The files have been corrected and a new March 2021 CA Edition has been loaded to the Terminology gateway.
  • An issue was reported by one jurisdiction related to space-encoding in the March 2021 CA Edition release package RF2 files. Other jurisdictions are aware of the issue and engaged in conversation, but no additional problems were reported.
  • Upon investigation, it appeared that extended ASCII encoded non-breaking spaces (NBSP) <0xa0> are present in the files instead of the expected regular space <0x20>, which was preventing implementation.
  • It was found that the NBSPs were introduced into the files via copy / paste functions from HTML based tools. Our technical team found “…32 [instances] in the delta, 75 in the snapshot, and 112 in the full. That means that 32 are new in this release, there are 43 existing ones from previous releases, and 37 that were once published as NBSPs and replaced later.”
  • Resolution: this issue will be corrected in releases going forward. The authoring tool will be updated to not allow NBS.  The stakeholder who reported this issue has confirmed that preprocessing has addressed the issue. Given the imminent release of the September 2021 CA Edition, the March 2021 CA release files will not be regenerated

  • 30 Nov 2021. Problems with RF2 package. An issue was reported by a jurisdiction attempting to set up a snowstorm server.
  • It was discovered that the RF2 package provided by Canada Health Infoway, which is a .zip file that includes the PRODUCTION version PDF of the Release Notes and the RF2 release files provided by SNOMED International in a .zip file was creating technical problems. In other words, the RF2 files were double-zipped.    
  • Resolution: going forward and starting with the January 2022 International Release, Release Notes that have historically been packaged with the RF2 files will be made available separately at the following link: SNOMED CT International Release Notes.
  • SNOMED CT Release packages provided via the Terminology Gateway will not be 'double zipped" and will adhere to the SNOMED CT RF2 Release File specification.  
  • 4 October 2021. We were reported that the statistics provided through the Infographics were not the same as when using the ECL constraints on the SNOMED International Browser. The discrepancies in the numbers are due to the fact that the ECL queries the Edition content and ignore the inactivated concepts, and the statistics pulled from TermSpace provides statistics on the extension which include the inactivated concepts. There is work in progress to enhance the statistics module for the Canadian Edition of SNOMED CT.

    26 October, 2021. We were reported that there is a core concept that has two(2) preferred terms: 241677006. This is not a Canadian Edition issue we can resolve, but this issue is being flagged at SNOMED International. Also, two (2) Canadian extension concepts do not have fully specified names or preferred terms in the Language RefSet. They are French concepts “module de la traduction française commune (concept de métadonnées de base)” and “ensemble de référence pour la langue française commune (concept de métadonnées fondamentales)”. This has been confirmed and SNOMED International will include those in the International version published in February 2022.