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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space SCTC and version 2.7

Known Issues


Issues are

issues include content or technical issues where the root cause is understood and the resolution has been discussed and agreed to but


have yet to be implemented. This can be due to a number of reasons

, from

which include lack of capacity within the current


editorial cycle

, to the

and risk of impact to the stability of SNOMED CT if the fix were to be deployed at that stage in the


product lifecycle.


Terminology issues

A) Issues identified and corrected in the October 2018 release, refer to the Current Release.

B) Known Issues identified but will not be changed for different reasons listed below:

The following are known issues:

a. Concepts containing conjunctions AND/OR or OR that are potentially ambiguous:

Concepts Containing Conjunctions AND potential for ambiguous concept

When Editorial Guidelines were more « flexible » some « deviant » concepts were added to the CA Edition. These may be present in Communicable Disease and

CPAC Projects

Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) projects/subsets. Since then, the


editorial criteria have matured and these types of concepts


will no longer be added to the CA Edition. The following « deviant » concepts will be kept in the CA Edition until they are no longer required.

Examples: 10741000087101|Malignant tumor of ovary and/or fallopian tube (disorder)| 

or 20721000087101|Meningitis or encephalitis (disorder)|

or 8141000087102|Anaphylaxis to previous dose or a constituent of this vaccine (situation)|


b. Duplicate ConceptsSome concepts were potentially duplicate concepts of concepts

There is the potential that CA Edition concepts duplicate existing concepts in the International Edition. 

Example: 577191261000087109|Congenital rubella infection (disorder)| and 1857005|Congenital rubella syndrome (disorder)|


c. Concepts Missing Definitions and Concepts Missing Refinementsmissing definitions and concepts missing refinements

Infoway does not «

Fully model » any of its Edition content. This is a reason why there might be some missing defining relationships that could better represent the meaning of a concept. The rationales for not modeling the CA Edition are:
  • We are still cleaning up the CA Edition and content planned for promotion to SNOMED International will not be modeled. 
  • fully model » all concepts in the CA Edition because:

      • When submitted to SNOMED International, they will fully model when applicable.
      • International content must be completed and stable before the CA Edition content is modelled fully. 

                 As a result, there may occasionally be missing defining relationships that could be added to better represent the full and unambiguous meaning of a concept through logical definition.

    d. Incomplete coverage

    Some concepts are missing and therefore there is incomplete

    In the Terminology area where SNOMED International is reviewing the concept model and is re-designing the content, Infoway will wait when the International content is completed and stable before modeling its CA Edition content.

    d. Incomplete Coverage

    Some concepts were missing and therefore that was incomplete

    content coverage.

    Examples: 22231000087107|Structure of nail of all fingers (body structure)| is a child of 70327001|Structure of all fingers (body structure)|.

    The concept 70327001|Structure of all fingers (body structure)| includes the following subtypes:

      • 362779006|All fingers (body structure)|
      • 22599004|Skin structure of all fingers (body structure)|
            • 368364009|Entire skin of all fingers (body structure)|
          • 88814004|Subcutaneous tissue structure of all fingers (body structure)|
                • 368365005|Entire subcutaneous tissue of all fingers (body structure)|
              • 22231000087107|Structure of nail of all fingers (body structure)|

                    It appears that a concept “Entire nail of all fingers” should also be created for completeness.


            Technical issues

            There are no known technical issues at this time.