1. There are a total of 39,797 records this release, up from 39,783 in the previously released version. This version will incorporate all of the applicable LOINC changes in version 2.77 as published by Regenstrief (in February 2024).
2. 38,921 records have been translated to French, up from 38,906 in the last version. Terms that are marked ‘Review Draft’ should be reviewed before they are used as the translation has not been previously published. Terms that are marked as ‘Complete’ have been previously published.
3. 59 records were modified in English for this release and are marked as R05.20.00_2.77
a. 54 records are of the change type Major for English changes.
b. 3 record had a change type Minor for English changes.
c. 1 correction was made to Viewer Name.
d. 1 record was Deprecated.
4. 14 new records were added for the English version.
5. 67 records were modified in French for this release and are marked as R05.20.00_2.77
a. 56 records are of the change type Major for the French translation.
b. 2 records are of the change type Minor for the French translation.
c. 7 records with corrections made to Name
d. 1 correction was made to Viewer Name
e. 1 record was Deprecated.
6. 15 new records were added for the French version.
7. Both languages contain a number of codes that only have changes in the other language; those are identified as ‘No Change’.
Of specific interest in this release, current implementers may want to review these changes:
New Content highlights:
New LOINC codes are added in pCLOCD solely on stakeholder requests. Infoway only adds LOINC content identified by stakeholders as being used or required, this effort allows us to uphold pCLOCD's authenticity as a true reflection of Canadian usage and requirements.
For your convenience, a list of all newly published LOINC 2.77 codes is available for download. If your jurisdiction requires existing LOINC codes added to pCLOCD, please submit your request via InfoRMS.
15 New LOINC codes added to pCLOCD in this release includes: 11 Existing LOINC Codes and 4 new LOINC codes published in v277
Term edits highlights:
- Through LOINC's collaboration with SNOMED International, 292 "Respiratory" System concepts were updated for improved modeling and representation of the System axis. Of those 292 concepts in LOINC, 17 concepts in pCLOCD had a name change in System.
- Work continues on the semi-quantitative clean-up project initiated by the LOINC Laboratory Committee in 2023. The semi-quantitative (SemiQn) scale was reintroduced for non-continuous measurement of numeric values. This new scale option has an impact on representation of Property. In LOINC 2.77, 40 concepts that had Property value "PrThr" and Scale “SemiQn” were reverted back to Scale "Ordinal" In pCLOCD, this change impacted 32 Challenge and 5 Chemistry concepts.
- pan-Canadian French Component Name for 7 Allergy codes were updated to reflect a more accurate translation.
Questions and feedback welcome, contact us